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    This page provides the User with information about the procedures adopted for managing his personal data via this website. This Privacy Policy Statement is issued in full compliance with the European “GDPR” Regulation 679/2016,

    1. Data Controller

    The Data Controller is GIMATIC S.r.l., with registered office at Via Enzo Ferrari 2/4, 25030, Roncadelle (Brescia) Italy. The main contact point is the email address:  together with tel. +39 030 2584655, and fax +39 030 2583886. By means of a service contract, Gimatic has also designated a Data Protection Officer. The contact point for the Data Protection Officer is 

    There are also parties who inevitably interact with the data contributed: these parties are the external data processors. An up-to-date list of the Data Processors can be requested from the above contact points.

    2. Types of data collected

    The Personal Data collected by the Website, independently or by through third parties, include Cookies, Email addresses, Use data and other identifying data contributed by the user, which will normally be associated to the email address.

    Any other Personal Data collected and/or processed might be referred to in other sections of this privacy policy or by means of informative texts displayed at the time of collection, or first processing, of the said Data. Personal Data may be entered voluntarily by the User, collected in other ways (e.g. exhibitions, meetings), further to informed consent by the User, or collected automatically during use of the Website. Unless otherwise specified, any use of Cookies - or other tracking tools - by the Website, or third-party proprietors of the services used by this Website, is intended to identify the User and record his preferences for purposes strictly linked to the provision of the services, including an email reply, requested by the User. In some cases, the User may be informed by the Website that failure on his part to contribute some Personal Data may prevent the provision of the services requested, and he must therefore choose his preferred option.

    Users accept full responsibility under criminal and civil law for content published or shared by means of this website, including any Personal Data of third parties, and undertake not to extract, publish or share data taken from this Website, by means of any tool (hardware or software) without the prior consent of the Data Controller, or a Data Processor named on the list, relieving the Data Controller of any responsibility in relation to third parties.

    3. Data processing procedures

    The Data Controller processes Users' Personal Data with the aid of appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorised access to or disclosure, modification or destruction of the Personal Data. Processing takes place using IT and/or telematic tools, with organisational procedures and methods strictly correlated to the stated purposes. Apart from the Data Controller, in some cases your Data may be accessed by categories of designated parties involved in the organisation of the Website (administrative, sales and marketing staff, lawyers and system administrators) or external parties (such as third-party suppliers of technical services, postal couriers, hosting provides, IT companies and advertising agencies) designated by the Data Controller as Data Processors, if necessary or opportune, and included on a specific, updated list, which may always be requested from the Data Controller.

    4. Purposes of the Processing of the Data collected

    The User's Data are collected in order to enable the Data Controller to provide its services, and for the following purposes: Navigation statistics, and for contacting the User and replying to his requests. Other types of Personal Data may only be used for the appropriate purposes, as established by law, and in accordance with the consent provided by the User; they are defined in specific sections of this document.

    5. Optional nature of contribution of data

    Except as specified above for navigation data, Users are free not to provide their Personal Data whenever requested to do so by, or through, the Website. However, failure to contribute data may render it impossible for the User to obtain what he has requested through the Website.

    Users are reminded that consent to Data Processing for marketing and sales purposes is not only optional but may also be withdrawn by the User at any time without any consequences, except the non dispatch of the aforesaid communications (e.g. newsletters, information or contact request, etc.).

    6. Processing procedures and times

    Personal Data are only processed by automated means. Data storage times are strictly correlated to the purposes for which the processing was authorised, or requested by the User. Appropriate security measures are implemented to prevent the lost of data, any improper or unlawful use, and unauthorised access.

    7. Further information on data processing

    7.1 Defence of legal claims

    The Data Controller may utilise the User's Personal Data for the defence of its rights before the courts, as either petitioner/plaintiff or Defendant/Respondent, or in the preparation for a court case, arising from misuse of the same or the related services by the User Users declare that they are aware that the Data Controller might be required to reveal the Data on the request of a Public Officer or Public Service Provider in the exercise of their respective Public Authority Functions, including Local and Central Government, Judicial and Administrative Authorities, or the Police.

    7.2 Specific Information

    On the User's request, in addition to the information provided in this privacy policy statement, if contacted by email at the address  the Website is able to supply the User, within lawful and reasonable limits, with relevant additional information concerning specific services, or the collection and processing of Personal Data.

    7.3 System and maintenance logs

    To meet functional and maintenance requirements, the Website and any third-party services which it uses might collect system Logs (files which record interactions), which may also contain Personal Data such as the User's IP address.

    7.4 Information not included in this privacy policy statement

    Further information with regard to the processing of Personal Data may be requested from the Data Controller at any time using the contact information.

    8. Exercise of the User's rights

    Data subjects are entitled, at any time, to obtain confirmation as to whether or not the Data Controller holds their Personal Data, to be informed of their contents and origin, check their accuracy or request their supplementation, erasure, updating, rectification, anonymisation or the blocking of Personal Data processed in breach of the law, and in all cases to object to their use, on legitimate grounds. Applications must be addressed to the Data Controller.

    9. Amendments to this privacy policy statement

    This privacy policy statement is issued pursuant to the European Data Protection Regulation GDPR 679/2016. Users may consult this page of the Website whenever they wish, to monitor any changes made in response to regulatory updates or the addition of new Website services.